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Sunday, 24 April 2011

how to attract a girl for sex by rizwan januuuuuuuuu

Dating is hard for everyone. While it may seem that some people have it down pat, you should not be discouraged. In fact, they are probably keeping it very simple, and it is very likely that they understand something that you are overlooking. Although your appearance is very important, as is knowing what to say and when, one of the most effective ways to attract girls is to rely on primitive instincts.  In fact, the way it works in the animal world is indeed the same way that it should work with humans, but we complicate things.

Pheromones are a naturally occurring chemical compound of the body that is common to both animals and insects. They are secreted through the pores and other bodily fluids and serve the means of communicating to members of the same species in a very special, nonverbal way.  Pheromones secreted by one animal can communicate with other animals certain facts in regards to:

•    Information on species or families therein
•    Territorial claim
•    Alarm or danger
•    Social unification
•    Defense
•    Inciting behavioral or developmental change
•    Sexual attraction

Using sex pheromones is one of the most fundamentally sound ways to attract girls.  While the process is not as simple as it sounds, you should keep in mind that it is indeed very primal. Because of the fast-paced, highly sanitized life we live in now, human pheromones are much more difficult to detect.  This is why many people wear perfume and cologne.  Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be wearing cologne that is very overpowering or not complementary at all?  That is because they are not wearing the right scent.  Ironically, you do not really notice when someone is wearing the right combination of scents; there just seems to be a mysterious attraction.


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